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Cleaning, Environmental & Family Tips. A clean home is a whole lot more than just cleaning.
Spreading Kindness With Rocks

Spreading Kindness With Rocks

The rock movement has been around for a fair few years now, however, the last year or so they seem to have taken off that much more! So if you haven't heard of them or want to know more keep reading below about how more and more people are spreading kindness with...

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Make your guests feel welcome with these tips

Make your guests feel welcome with these tips

Whether we're throwing a party or just having coffee with a friend, we all want our guests to feel welcome and at home when they visit. Sure, our smiling faces and friendly greetings will help them feel comfortable to an extent but if you're after some tips on how to...

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Survive the winter break

Survive the winter break

Today marks the last day of term 2 for Queensland school children, but it also means that tomorrow is the start of our very first June /July holidays during the COVID-19 crisis. Most places have relaxed their restrictions by now however, some parents may still feel...

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Tips for keeping active at the office

Tips for keeping active at the office

Working in an office, at a desk or from home isn't any less exhausting than other career paths out there. It may not be the same kind of exhausting as a labourer or other physically demanding jobs but it comes with it's own demands. One thing that working in an office...

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Where are you lacking?

Where are you lacking?

Parenthood comes with many amazing pros, beautiful moments and heart-melting smiles. Parents all over social media are so quick to share their proudest moments and beautiful memories with friends and family; but what we don't often hear about is what's lacking. Let me...

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What Questions To Ask Your Kids About School

What Questions To Ask Your Kids About School

Getting a child of any age to fill you in on their day at school can be a tough job. By simply asking "How was school?" "What happened at school today?" "What did you learn?" etc; you're overloading their brains with all the possible responses and the only things that...

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