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Cleaning, Environmental & Family Tips. A clean home is a whole lot more than just cleaning.
Freezer friendly food for kids lunches

Freezer friendly food for kids lunches

Bulk baking and freezing lunch items for each term seems to be a cheaper and more time-efficient (in the long run) of packing school lunches. Below, I've compiled a variety of recipe links to food that falls into the different categories that I usually send my...

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How to save time and money this school year

How to save time and money this school year

The majority of parents start off the school year with a plan. Morning routines will be run like a boot camp, lunches will be healthy and every Sunday you will make everything from scratch etc. For some parents, this goal might be achievable and well, hats off to...

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Motels creating a better future

Motels creating a better future

A  few weeks ago, my husband and I took the kids on a "familymoon". This was our version of our honeymoon but we wanted to take the kids with us. While packing for this trip, we packed soap, shampoo and conditioner because from childhood memories; there were only tiny...

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Meaningful Gift Giving

Meaningful Gift Giving

With Christmas coming up fast, now seems to be the perfect time to address something that most parents think about every year. Think about what gifts your children received last year for Christmas or their birthday. Now try and find every single one of those items in...

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Family Holiday Packing Checklist

Family Holiday Packing Checklist

A family holiday can be just as daunting as it is exciting. With all of the things you need to remember to bring along, it's not hard to notice that your days of spontaneity and "no packing" trips away are gone when you have a family. We've just come to realise this...

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Parents Health Matters Too

Parents Health Matters Too

Amongst the cleaning, school runs, sports, extra curricular's, cooking, family time and everything else in between; we as parents can tend to end up exhausted and sometimes unwell. If we aren't careful, we not only find ourselves putting everyone else in front of us...

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Make screen time work for you

Make screen time work for you

I think we can all remember some of the unrealistic ideals we had when becoming parents. For most people, one of those included screen time and how we would never let our children watch more than 30 mins a day of telly or that they would never own a tablet or gaming...

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