How dirty is your phone?

How dirty is your phone?

These days our phones hold almost our entire lives, but did you know these devices hold way more germs than your toilet seat? If you didn’t, it might be time to ask the question “how dirty is your phone?”, and boy do we have some answers for you....
How To Survive The School Holidays

How To Survive The School Holidays

Here we are, school holidays again and every parents hopes of a clean and calm home have just flown out the window. We all know that dread that overcomes us the moment our wonderful children walk in the door after their last day of school before the holidays. To them,...
4 Indoor House Plants That Won’t Die

4 Indoor House Plants That Won’t Die

Indoor plants can become a huge benefit in many ways. Not only are they a quick, easy and effective way of decorating your house, they also clean the environment around them. There are many choices when it comes to indoor plants, however you need to do some research...
Rental Inspection Checklist

Rental Inspection Checklist

Regular rental inspections can become quite stressful for tenants as they work through their property trying to clean it and have it looking its best for the inspection. Some people keep an inspection checklist on their phone, some on paper and some just in their...

D.I.Y Cleaning Tips

Most of us are seeking a more natural lifestyle and even more of us want better ways to ensure the health and safety of our families. That’s why you’re here though, right? Above we have gathered some great cleaning tips and D.I.Y recipes for you to use,...