Giving back at Christmas doesn’t mean you have to spend loads of money. Let’s face it, most of us don’t have the extra cash to be throwing it out everywhere, but giving even just a small amount will in return give you the most priceless gift you could receive. End 2018 on a generous high and start your 2019 with great karma and a fulfilled heart with our 12 Deeds Of Christmas challenge.
12 Deeds Of Christmas
12th December:
Donate 2 bags of clothes or give $20 to someone at the store
13th December:
Let an older lady or parent with children in front of you at the checkout
14th December:
Call your parents and tell them you love them or give a compliment to a stranger
15th December:
Cook dinner for a friend or family member and drop it off to them
16th December
Pay for the persons coffee, meal or groceries that is behind you
17th December:
Donate a toy under the kmart wish tree or donate a box of old toys to charity
18th December:
Pick up the rubbish at one of your local parks
19th December:
Spend 20 minutes taking the loose trolleys back to their bays at your local store
20th December:
Make Christmas cards for your neighbours
21st December:
Plants a tree to contribute to the environment
22nd December:
Deliver a care package to a homeless person
23rd December:
Buy and wrap 4 gifts and drop them at houses from Santa
This challenge is designed for both people who can afford to contribute a heap and also for those who can only give a little. It also contains deeds that cost nothing but your time. So get on out there and share the Christmas magic with those who could really use the brightness this festive season! Giving back has never been more fun.
Let us know in the comments something you like to do during the holiday season to give back, and check out our blog for more articles that you might enjoy.
Merry Christmas from The Naturally Clean Co!