Freezer friendly food for kids lunches

Freezer friendly food for kids lunches

Bulk baking and freezing lunch items for each term seems to be a cheaper and more time-efficient (in the long run) of packing school lunches. Below, I’ve compiled a variety of recipe links to food that falls into the different categories that I usually send my...
How to save time and money this school year

How to save time and money this school year

The majority of parents start off the school year with a plan. Morning routines will be run like a boot camp, lunches will be healthy and every Sunday you will make everything from scratch etc. For some parents, this goal might be achievable and well, hats off to...
Motels creating a better future

Motels creating a better future

A  few weeks ago, my husband and I took the kids on a “familymoon”. This was our version of our honeymoon but we wanted to take the kids with us. While packing for this trip, we packed soap, shampoo and conditioner because from childhood memories; there...
Chocolate Overload Alternatives For Easter

Chocolate Overload Alternatives For Easter

Easter might just be the best day of the year for children. Chocolate for breakfast, chocolate for lunch and for some, chocolate for dinner! With family and friends giving out chocolate bunnies and eggs all day long, a child can end up with a serious sugar overload....
How “Dirty” Is Your Mind?

How “Dirty” Is Your Mind?

Have you ever sat down to do something or gone to work and discovered you can’t concentrate and your mind feels cluttered? Well the reason might not be as complicated as you think. Sometimes, I find myself in a cloudy, frustrated head space when my house is a...