Back to school photo tips

Back to school photo tips

Queenslander children are just a few days away from the beginning of a new school year. That means, in a few days you’ll be pulling out your phone and camera to get that perfect first-day photo. If you’re anything like me, you get caught up in the...
Survive the winter break

Survive the winter break

Today marks the last day of term 2 for Queensland school children, but it also means that tomorrow is the start of our very first June /July holidays during the COVID-19 crisis. Most places have relaxed their restrictions by now however, some parents may still feel...
How to clean your shower screen

How to clean your shower screen

If you’re like me and have been searching the market for years trying to find a product to take off all of the water and soap marks from your shower screen, then you’re in luck. I’ve found the answer and I’m willing to share it with The...
How dirty is your phone?

How dirty is your phone?

These days our phones hold almost our entire lives, but did you know these devices hold way more germs than your toilet seat? If you didn’t, it might be time to ask the question “how dirty is your phone?”, and boy do we have some answers for you....